Das eDocPrintPro SDK ab der Version 3.17 beinhaltet die signierte Version der Interop.EDocPort.dll sowie der Interop.EDocPort32.dll
Download – Interop.EDocPort.dll und Interop.EDocPort32.dll >>>
Object: Port
the main interface object, the only creatable object by the ID „eDocPort.port“. All the other objects must be obtained from the Port object.
Dim WithEvents eDoc As eDocPort.Port
Set eDoc = CreateObject(„eDocPort.port“)
Set eDoc = nothing
Remark1: for 32-bit applications on 64-bit operating systems, a new 32-bit COM server is added in the SYSWOW64 folder, eDocPort32.dll; the differences being the progID, eDocPort32.Port and the namespace eDocPort32; you can also use eDocPort32 COM objects for 32-bit applications running on 32-bit operating system, to write uniform applications on 32 bit and 64 bit platforms.
Remark2: for .NET applications, the eDocPort.dll and eDocPort32.dll must be added as COM references, unsigned interop will be automatically generated; if the application needs signed interops, they must be created directly by the tlbimp.exe, with an appropriate command-line parameter:
“[tlbimp_folder]tlbimp.exe” „%windir%\system32\eDocPort.dll“ /out:“[project_folder]Interop.EDocPort.dll“ /keyfile:“[key_file_folder][key_file_name].snk“ /namespace:“Interop.EDocPort“
“[tlbimp_folder]tlbimp.exe” “[eDocPort32.dll_folder]eDocPort32.dll“ /out:“[project_folder]Interop.EDocPort.dll“ /keyfile:“[key_file_folder][key_file_name].snk“ /namespace:“Interop.EDocPort32″
then add the output file as a project reference. The tlbimp_folder is usually %programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin, and can vary on different Visual Studio versions and installation options. The eDocPort32.dll_folder is %windir%\system32 for 32-bit systems and %windir%\SysWOW64 for 64-bit systems.
Bitte verwenden Sie die aktuelle Version des Treibers ab 3.17
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Download – eDocPrintPro 64bit (~5MB) >>>