ifresco Profiler – splitting of documents – manual, per page, area-OCR, per barcode

The ifresco Profiler offers easily usable functions to split document stacks in various ways very fast. The following functions are available:

  • Manual split – The site / thumbnail where the document should be splitted gets selected – and by a key combination the document gets splitted at the current page, named automatically and afterwards the new document selected for further split actions.
  • Split by page numbers – With this function the whole document can be splitted by a page number in single documents with the same amount of pages.
  • Split with area OCR – an area gets selected in the preview and via area OCR the text gets recognized – the document gets splitted at this page and the recognized text is used as name.
  • Split by barcode – 1D barcodes get recognized and can be used to split the documents as well as for the file names. 18 different barcodes are supported, orientiation and position on the site doesn’t matter. Sites with barcode can be deleted, filtering by strings, lists and valuation is also supported.
