PDFMerge commandline parameters

PDFMerge can also be called with commandline parameters. Especially interesting thereby is the possibility to run the processing “silent” without user interface. With that e.g. overall PDF’s can be produced directly without user interaction through PMT (XML) files which are created from own applications. But it is also possible to work completely without template file only through a root folder to process the whole folder structure with any contained files.


“C:\program files\MAY COMPUTER\PDFMerge\PDFMerge.exe” “C:\1.pmt” /s

c:\1.pmt = PDFMerge template file – optional also a root folder can be specified

/s = processing runs “silent” – without user interface

As first parameter the file name of the PMT or PMTX template file or the path to a folder has to be provided like in the example above. If the path to a folder is provided the folder and all contained subfolders and files get read in and processed. If a folder is used the “pdfpath” parameter should be used for defining the destination PDF file. If this parameter isn’t specified the PDF file gets created on the same level as the folder chosen for processing and with the same name and there it could be that the required rights for the creation are missing.

The following additional parameters can be used:

/pdfpath=“<output path / name of the PDF file which should be created> ”  – if this is missing the definition from the template file is used

/profile=“<profile name for the processing>” – if not specified the last used profile is used

/gfi=“<PDFExport profile (=GFI) names >” name of the saved PDFExport profile or path to a GFI file
