MSI Setup – set language code manually

Sometimes it may be necessary to set the language code for the installation of an MSI setup manually. By default, the language setting of the system will be taken on which the software is installed. So there may be differences between the local installation of Setup and the installation, for example, the MS SCCM Server (System Center Configuration Manager). For the detection and automatic updates, it is necessary that the language code is unified. There is a dedicated MSI Parameter.

Example x86 German OS Version:
msiexec.exe /i “C:\InstallSetup\gs918.1×86.msi” Productlanguage=1033
1033 is the Code for English

Example x64 english OS Version:
msiexec.exe /i “C:\InstallSetup\gs918.1×64.msi” Productlanguage=1031
1031 it the Code for German
