Month: May 2017

PDF2Printer – New Version 2.0.2

What’s New PDF2Printer Version 2.0.2:

  • New PDF printing engine delivers improved quality when printing 1D and 2D barcodes – Barcodes can be generated and displayed in PDF via barcode fonts, lines or graphics. Certain label printers, however, had problems with the printing engine used so far and the prints were out of focus or had “stapling effects” on the black edges. Especially with 1D / 2D barcodes, this can lead to the barcode recognition no longer working reliably. This problem has now been fixed with the new PDF printing engine – sharp edges are now always generated and printed.
  • New function – print mode / scaling: Now you have the possibility to control the scaling of the prints as with the Adobe Reader
    • Fit to page – optimizes the printout – preserves the page ratio – adjusts the print horizontally or vertically to the maximum of the page.
    • Current size = 1: 1 – The printing is done with 100% – there is no adjustment to the page size
    • Decrease to page – If a print is smaller than the page, the printout will be 100%, If the print is larger than the page, the print will be reduced to fit the page.
    • Scaling (%) – Standard = 100% – Here you can adjust the size of the print up or down over a% set.
  • New function – Alignment: Alignment can be either automatic or fixed.
    • Automatic – For example, An A4 horizontal format for printing automatically to A4 high. The sheet is thus optimally utilized. Scaling is also not necessary in this case.
    • Portrait / Landscape – The print always takes place in the configured page orientation – The printout is adjusted to the page. An A4 aspect ratio is reduced so that it can be printed on an A4 portrait page.


PDF2Printer - Neue Druckfunktionen - Ausrichtung & Druck Modus

Download – PDF2Printer –  Service to print PDF’s automatically >>>

PDFmdx Version 3.2.4 available

Innovations PDFmdx Version 3.2.4:

  • PDFmdx Editor – New HTML editor for the message text of the email function.

PDFmdx Editor - Neuer HTML Editor für den Body Text

  • E-mail sending – The option in the PDFmdx editor to activate the e-mail transmission was not visible and therefore could not be activated.
  • The PDF / A converter has been updated.
  • Error Correction in the PDFmdx Editor – An automatic save error was fixed when creating templates. The problem occurred only when you created the first aliases.

Download – PDFmdx Template Editor & Processor >>

Move license (to new PC)

You can use this option in the ProductActivationManager to release the license for use on a new device. It is necessary to enter userID and password to execute this option! The product remains as a DEMO version on the PC.


  1. openProductActivationManager
  2. select license
  3. klick „Move License“ Button
  4. enter Username / Passwort
  5. OK


  1. open ProductActivationManager
  2. select application
  3. klick „Activate Application“ Button
  4. enter Username / Passwort
  5. select available license
  6. OK

PDFmdx – Version 3.2.2 available

Innovations PDFmdx Version 3.2.2:

  • PDFmdx is now a 64bit version and can only be installed on 64bit Windows versions. This requires the license to “move” on existing installations, that is, to return it to our license server and then retrieve it again. The new version also requires the .NET Runtime version 4.
  • New basic routines for PDF, Image, Barcode and OCR processing as well as for the extraction of text from the PDF
  • Extended list of supported 1D and 2D bar codes to detect barcodes and apply to the document.

Erweiterte Barcode Unterstützung für 1D und 2D Barcodes

  • PDF/A – 1b, 2b, 3bConversion and document output

PDFmdx kann Dokumente im Format PDFA 1 bis 3 ausgeben

  • New and improved feature to automatically detect and remove blank pages in black-and-white and color PDF documents. The percentage of the blackening serves as a parameter. In addition, the information about text in the background can also be used as a criterionThe test function now also displays the identified blank pages of the selected sample document as well as their degree of blackening. Empty pages are removed at the very beginning of PDFmdx processing.

Funktion um Leere Seiten über einen Schwellwert zu finden und zu löschen

  • You can sort the evaluation list of the blank recognition by the displayed columns in ascending or descending order.

Testfunktion zeigt an welche Seiten bei dem eingestellten Schwellwert löschbar sind

  • In the test from the PDFmdx editor, the name of the layout identified by the D condition is now displayed. This can be used to determine whether and which layout is recognized with the document being tested.
  • Simplified collection and modification of the conditions in the PDFmdx editor, eg. an AND / OR condition can now be inserted at the start node.

Bei den Bedigungen gibt es jetzt alle Möglichkeiten der nachträglichen Bearbeitung

  • Under the conditions, the page range definition is now processed correctly.

Bei jeder Bedingung kann festgelegt werden auf welchen Seiten diese geprüft werden sollen

  • Fuzzy / approximation search for conditions and anchor fields. Specifies how many characters a deviation from the specified string is still accepted – is available with the deactivated substring search.

Unschärfte = Fuzzy Funktion für die Bedingungen  Unschärfte = Fuzzy Funktion für die Ankerfeld Suche

  • Text areas / fields will now also be read out if the text box in the PDF exceeds the visible page margin.
  • Text search and selection / copy function: In the preview of the PDFmdx editor, a text can be searched forward or backward in the entire document. The text location found is highlighted. It is now also possible to highlight text in the editor and copy it to the clipboard.

Im PDFmdx Editor kann im Markiermodus Text in der Voransicht ausgewählt und kopiert werden  Im PDFmdx Editor kann nach Text-Strings vorwärts und rückwärts gesucht werden - die Fundstelle wird markiert

  • Function to accept and maintain the creation date or time of the output file for the target file. This information also includes variables for the path / file name as well as for the metadata output, for example over XLS available.

Erstellungs-Datum & Uhrzeit der Ursprungsdatei kann für die Ausgabedatei erhalten werden sowie als Variablen verwendet werden

  • When the variable for the filename of the input file is used, the filenames’ uppercase / lowercase is retained – so far the file name has always been converted to lowercase.
  • In the PDFmdx service processor, the max. Number of parallel processes of 1,2,3,4,5,10, Previously, the minimum value of 5 was up.

Die max. Anzahl an parallelen Verarbeitungsprozessen kann konfiguriert werden

  • The Web service interface via REST / SOAP is activated by default during installation.

Die Web-Service Schnittstelle ist jetzt standardmäßig aktiviert

New web service functions (REST / SOAP) for user and job template management.

The new features are included in the included .NET / C # sample project and can be tested with it. These extensions are required to implement the future PDFmdx Commandline application.

  • user management Create New Users, Delete, Reset Password / New, so far, there is only one “admin” user. Now it is also possible to create additional users. The jobs and the job templates are managed on the basis of the users. Additional users can be created via the “Admin”. The “admin” password can be reset by the PDFmdx service processor.

Web-Service Benutzerverwaltung

  • Job-Template FunctionTo create new jobs via the web service interface simply without much configuration effort, there is now also the possibility to use job templates. Job templates serve as a reference for new jobs. An existing job can be made via a checkbox to a job template. Jobs created via a template are referenced.

1_Neuen Job über Web-Service anlegen  2_Ein vorhandender Job kann als Templete verwendet werden um daraus neue Jobs anzulegen  3_Ein neuer Job Nummer #2 wurde durch Auswahl aus einem Template angelegt

Download – PDFmdx Template Editor & Processor >>>
