Month: June 2022

PDFmdx Version 3.21.0

What’s new in PDFmdx version 3.21.0:

Share pages by barcode:

There are use cases, e.g.: Rolling cards from freight forwarders, where it is not necessary to split documents with a whole page, but pages are to be split horizontally in order to create individual new documents from them. The new function “Share pages via barcode” has been implemented for this.

A barcode and a condition about the read barcode value are used as criteria. Every page is searched for barcodes. If a barcode is found with a matching condition, *,? and # can be used for substring search, so the page is split horizontally into a new document at this point. The existing document “ends” at this point. The remainder of the page is created as a new document, starting at the top of a new page, until a matching barcode is encountered again or the end of the source file is reached.

Functions – Split pages by barcode:

  • The input file is searched page by page for specific barcode types with a specific value, substring wildcards (*,?,#) can be used.
  • If a corresponding barcode is found on a page, the page is divided horizontally at this point. A new file is created from this position.
  • The barcode value found on the pages can be used as a variable for file name / folder or metadata.
  • Delete – Upper / lower edge of the input file in mm: These areas are “deleted” and not considered in the result file. e.g. letterhead and footers
  • The page size of the output file is automatically based on the input file or can be set to A4 portrait format.
  • In order to line up the divided blocks continuously, white areas (before and after the block) are detected and removed. (Black percentage in % as a parameter)
  • To format the result file, the upper/lower margin and the distance between the blocks can be specified in mm.

Disable PDF password support:With the PDFmdx Version 3.19.0 a new function was implemented to store the PDF “Open” password in the layout as well. The dialog with the password query was displayed in the PDFmdx Editor for all protected files, even for PDF files that only have an “Admin” and no “Open” password. To prevent this, you can now generally deactivate this function using a button in the PDFmdx editor.

Download – PDFmdx Template Editor & Processor >>>
