File Converter Pro (FCPro) – Which version of MS Office? – 32 or 64 bit?

There are now a number of different Microsoft operating systems and various MS Office versions. Which combinations and versions can be used for the FileConverterPro for conversion to PDF or PDF / A? What is recommended?

FC Pro is a 64bit application and can therefore only be installed on 64-bit operating systems – Thus, MS-Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and MS-Server2008R2 and MS Server2012 be used.

FC Pro can convert MS Office documents without MS Office (= “directly”) or with the help of installed MS Office software, to PDF or PDF / A.

Almost always FC Pro is installed as a server application, say FC Pro PC is only for the conversion and is used for no other tasks. On clients you install nowadays, for compatibility reasons, usually a 32bit version of MS Office.

Supports currently: The 32 and the 64-bit version of MS Office 2010, 2013. For the FileConverterPro we recommend in any case to install a 64bit version of Office.

Please note that on Windows Server 2012 32bit version of MS Word 2013 is not supported. Here can be used for technical reasons, only the 64-bit version of MS-Word 2013 or the “direct” conversion.


Download – FileConverterPro (FCpro) ~250MB >>>
