Category: AutoOCR

AutoOCR & AutoOCR light Version 2.0.41

Innovations AutoOCR & AutoOCR light 2.0.41:

  • Target file name / folder via variables: Some variables can now be used for the output file name and for the output folder. The configuration takes place in the field for output file names. By using “\”, a folder structure can be specified in the field, which will be created under the selected output start folder.

  • Eliminating PDF that already contain text: The “intelligent” OCR processing can recognize whether a PDF requires OCR processing or not, but all PDFs from the monitored input folders are always processed and output in the target folder. However, if you only want to output PDFs that really require OCR processing, this distinction was not previously possible. With this new option, only those PDFs that have actually been OCR processed are output in the output folder. All other PDFs are, depending on the configuration, moved from the input folder, e.g .: directly to the archive folder and therefore do not end up in the output folder.

  • Detect and correct defective text in PDF: Sometimes PDF contains text, but it is “defective”. The problem lies in the incorrect creation of the PDF. Texts / fonts are coded incorrectly or incompletely. The problem often occurs if an existing PDF is printed out again from a display program using a PDF printer driver in order to generate a PDF from it again.

In this case you can mark and copy the text in the PDF, but the extracted text cannot be used and only contains special characters and hieroglyphs. Such PDFs cannot be processed further in a meaningful way. No information can be obtained from the PDF, the PDF cannot be searched and the document cannot be found using full-text search or search engines. This cannot be seen from the outside. The PDF can be opened, viewed and printed out without any error messages.

The only way to restore such PDF and encode the text correctly is through OCR. The PDF or only the affected page is “rendered” and the text is regenerated using the OCR processing.

AutoOCR Version Version 2.0.41 offers this possibility for both the iOCR and the OmniPage OCR engine. It can be found out for each page of the PDF whether it contains “defective” text or not. If such a page is recognized, the text is regenerated using the OCR function; pages with correct text are not subjected to any further OCR processing.



Download – AutoOCR – OCR Server incl. OmniPage OCR (ca. 640MB) >>>
Download – AutoOCR light – Low Cost OCR Server (ca. 410MB) >>>
Download – iOCR (vsOCR) Setup – additional languages (ca. 1200MB) >>>

AutoOCR & AutoOCR light Version 2.0.36

Innovations AutoOCR & AutoOCR light 2.0.36:

  • iOCR – obtain images unchanged:If this new standard option is active, the PDF is only rendered internally for the OCR process. The original PDF and the images it contains are transferred 1: 1 to the PDF to be generated. The OCR process only inserts the recognized text. The images remain unchanged in terms of their resolution, color depth and compression.

    This is important because many MFP scanners are already able to generate highly optimized and very compact PDF color scans via MRC (Mixed Raster Content). Color documents are already divided into different levels by the scanner. Each image layer is created with a different resolution and the best possible compression depending on the color depth. If such MRC PDF files are rendered again, the MRC data structure is lost. The result file would be larger and lose quality.

  • Installs and uses the iOCR / vsOCR – Version 1.1.6 with the basic set of the most common languages in Europe.

  • All languages supported by iOCR can be installed via an additional iOCR / vsOCR setup (1.2GB in size).



  • Update of the AutoOCR basic component – iOCR, ImageProcessing, PDFCompressor, PDF2PDFA to the current status.
  • New presettings for JPEG2000 compression – for PDF rendering / ImageProcessing / PDFCompressor – in order to generate the smallest possible PDF files without great loss of display quality.
    • High / Medium / Low – Compression
    • Color – 1:60 / 1:30 / 1:15
    • Greyscales – 1:30 / 1:15 / 1:13

The higher the value – the higher the compression, which means that the smaller files are created, but with a decreasing image quality. “Medium” compression is preset as the standard value.

Download – AutoOCR – OCR Server incl. OmniPage OCR (ca. 640MB) >>>
Download – AutoOCR light – Low Cost OCR Server (ca. 410MB) >>>
Download – iOCR (vsOCR) Setup – additional languages (ca. 1200MB) >>>

DropOCR 1.5.0 – Sending email is integrated

DropOCR saves the converted PDF documents in a configured folder. Now it is also possible to generate an email message and insert the generated PDF’s directly as an attachment. Depending on the configuration, the email message can also be sent directly via SMTP without user interaction.

DropOCR EMail features:

  • Presetting the email recipient (To, Cc, Bcc).
  • Search document for email addresses and use for sending.
  • Presetting the subject. The document content can also be searched for a subject text to be used using the delimiter.
  • Presetting the email message using the integrated HTML editor.
  • attachments via path & amp; Search for names in the document using the delimiter and append them.
  • Include additional files to be sent as attachments.
  • Configuration of the email transport method (MS-Outlook, MAPI, SMTP).
  • Logging of the email processes.


Download – DropOCR Web-Service Client for AutoOCR >>>

AutoOCR-CL – Version 1.1.8 – OCR command line application

Innovations AutoOCR-CL Version 1.1.8:

With version 1.1.8 the functions of the command line version have been brought to the same range of functions as those of the AutoOCR server. AutoOCR-CL has been expanded to include image processing, PDF compression and the generation of PDF/A-compliant output files.

  • ImageProcessing: DThis function is included in the standard scope and is used to preprocess scanned documents, especially for the iOCR engine. The image processing already included should preferably be used for the Omnipage Engine. Under no circumstances should both image processing systems be activated as this will reduce the OCR recognition rate.

  • PDFCompressorOptional to license. Is used to generate output files that are as compact and small as possible. In order to achieve good OCR quality, a scan resolution of 200 / 300dpi for color or 300dpi for black and white is required. For the display or the printout, however, e.g. 150dpi. The PDFCompressor enables the compression, the quality settings and the resolution of the images to be adjusted and reduced. A reduction by the PDFCompressor has no influence on the OCR recognition quality.

Download – AutoOCR-CL – Command line application for AutoOCR >>>
Download – Readme / Help – AutoOCR-CL >>>

AutoOCR Version 2.0.30 – JPEG2000 compression creates compact PDF files

Color scans usually produce quite large files. At 300dpi, color, JPEG compression requires approx. 300kB of storage space per page. In order to create the smallest, compact PDF output files possible, the JPEG2000 compression for AutoOCR / iOCR has been improved and an additional parameter has been added. This JPEG2000 compression allows the size of the color images contained in the PDF to be reduced considerably, making the searchable PDF files considerably smaller. The JPEG2000 compression has no influence on the OCR recognition rate.

With JPEG2000, both “lossless” and “lossy” compression are available. Normally one should use the “lossy” (lossy) JPEG2000 compression to create small files – there is an additional parameter (ratio: 1 to 999) with which the compression rate and thus the size and visual quality can be controlled.

In the following table a test was made with different settings for the JPEG / JPEG2000 compression to see what effects these parameters have on the PDF file size. A scan, 300 dpi, 24 bit color, JPEG compression, 7 pages with 2082 kB was used as the initial file.

This shows that with JPEG2000, depending on the parameters, you can achieve a file size reduction of between 30 and 80%.

  • JPEG2000 / lossy / 75-100 = high quality / larger files – 32-49% reduction
  • JPEG2000 / lossy / 125-150 = medium quality / medium file size – 59-65% reduction
  • JPEG2000 / lossy / 200 – 250 = low quality / small files- 74-79% reduction

Download – AutoOCR – OCR Server inkl. OmniPage OCR (ca. 640MB) >>>

AutoOCR Features – Image processing, PDFCompressor, PDF2PDFA converter – product video

Video about new AutoOCR features:

  • Image processing
  • PDFCompressor
  • PDF2PDFA converter


AutoOCR – General overview – Product video

New video for AutoOCR – general overview of functions and processing:

German, English

  • Configure folders (inbox, output, archive, errors)
  • Select engine
  • PDF/A function
  • Service account (network resources)
  • Processing options (actions, folder monitoring)
  • Web service option
  • Log

AutoOCR / AutoOCR light Version 2.0.15

new features AutoOCR Version 2.0.15:

  • New functions / tabs for “Image processing”, “PDF info fields”, “PDF / A” and “PDF Compressor”

  • Image Processing: The image processing functions have been significantly expanded and are available outside of the OCR engines. This allows the scans to be optimized and improved before OCR recognition in order to increase recognition accuracy and improve image quality. Image processing is also part of AutoOCR light.


Image processing functions:

    • Several functions can be carried out one after the other in a predetermined order.
    • The selected functions, their parameters and processing sequence are managed via profiles.
    • Profile functions: New, Copy, Delete, Rename, Export to file, Import from file.
    • Option to process PDF scans / pages only with image information or all PDF pages.
    • Load a master page and test the image processing commands with a preview of the source and result file.

Individual functions of image processing:

    • Detect and remove blank pages.
    • Automatically rotate pages
    • Align sides
    • Invert images (black to white)
    • Remove black border
    • Trim the edge
    • Remove impurities
    • Remove perforations
    • Remove lines
    • Convert color / grayscale to black and white
  • PDFCompressor integrated: This enables the PDF files generated by the OCR process to be optimized and compressed to a minimum. The input for OCR processing should always be the best possible scan with a correspondingly high quality and resolution (300dpi for black / white and 200-300dpi color). This is good for OCR recognition, but it creates large result files. In order to create the smallest possible PDF files in the end result after OCR processing, PDFCompressor processing can be added to the OCR process in order to reduce the resolution of the images to e.g. 150dpi decrease. Good OCR recognition can be achieved with the smallest possible output files. 150dpi offers sufficient readability, but would be too low for OCR recognition. The PDFCompressor is available as an option for AutoOCR.

  • PDF information fields: The PDF information fields are now also available independently of the PDF/A function in a separate tab in all AutoOCR variants.

  • Archive folder configuration: New variables for date and time are available for the archive folder configuration.

Download – AutoOCRLight – Low Cost OCR Server (ca. 410MB) >>>
Download – AutoOCR – OCR Server inkl. OmniPage OCR (ca. 640MB) >>>

AutoOCR-CS-FM – Folder monitoring for AutoOCR via web service

AutoOCR-CS-FM is a folder monitoring add-on application available free of charge for the AutoOCR server. AutoOCR-CS-FM enables the conversion of image PDF, TIF/TIFF, JPG/JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF files into searchable PDF or PDF/A files. Input folders (several possible) or entire folder structures are monitored, newly added files are recognized, processed and stored in a configured output folder. The communication with the AutoOCR takes place via http/https via the AutoOCR web service interface. The AutoOCR server can be addressed locally, in the same network or via an Internet connection.

Features AutoOCR-CS-FM:

  • Free Folder-Monitoring application for AutoOCR to generate searchable PDF(/A) via OCR from image PDF, TIF/TIFF, JPG/JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF.
  • MS-Windows service.
  • Processing takes place via SOAP web service on a (remote) AutoOCR server via http/https.
  • Monitors entire folders / folder structures (several possible), newly added files are recognized, processed and stored in the output folder as searchable PDF or PDF/A.
  • Control of the processing parameters by selecting an OCR profile stored on the AutoOCR server.
  • Parallel multiple upload/download to the AutoOCR server configurable for optimal throughput.


Download – AutoOCR-CS-FM – folder monitoring for AutoOCR via web service >>>

AutoOCR-CL – OCR command line application, generates searchable PDF or PDF/A

AutoOCR is now also available as a CL command line version. This can be used to convert PDF image and other image files (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF) or entire folders and folder structures into searchable PDF via a command line call. In addition, there is the option to create PDF/A files via the integration of our PDF2PDFA converter component as well as to generate the smalles possible and highly compressed PDF via the PDFCompressor component. The PDF/A and PDFCompressor functions can be additionally activated via license options. In addition to the standard iOCR engine, the OmniPage OCR Engine is optionally available on the client operating systems Windows 7/10, which is already included in the setup.

Features AutoOCR-CL:

  • Command line OCR application
  • Converts PDF image, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF files into searchable PDF(/A)
  • Processes – single files, folders, folder structures or file/folder lists from TXT files
  • User interface to create and manage OCR processing / settings profiles
  • Standard – iOCR engine or optional on Client operating systems – OmniPage OCR.
  • Optional – PDF2PDFA converter to create PDF/A-1, 2, 3 files
  • Optional – PDFCompressor to create small and highly compressed PDF


Download – AutoOCR-CL –  command line application for AutoOCR >>>
Download – Readme / Help – AutoOCR-CL >>>
