Month: November 2013

eDocPrintPro 3.19.0 – New SDK version available

With the version 3.19.0 there also is a new SDK available now.


  • The PDF/A level 1 to level 3 functions can be used through the SDK now.
  • VBA support for MS-Office 32 and 64bit was added, VBA sample macros are available.
  • The, in the source code or as VS-projects, delivered applications got extended with the new functions.
  • The CHM (Compiled HTML Help) documentation got updated and supplemented.

The SDK offers samples for the following environments as source code or VS-projects:

  • 32bit application under 32bit OS – C# / VB.NET / VB6
  • 32bit application under 64bit OS – C# /  VB.NET / VB6
  • 64bit application under 64bit OS – C# / VB.NET

eDocPrintPro SDK documentation  eDoCPrintPro SDK Demo

To use the functions of the SDK under the different operating systems and with varying printer versions there is a SDK demo. With it the printer settings can be read or set. The events from the printer for start and end of the printing process = creation of the PDF file gets evaluated and shown on the user interface.

Testprogramm um die Events des Treibers anzeigen zu können  eDocPrintPro SDK Demo Anwendung

Download – eDocPrintPro SDK Demo 32 und 64bit >>>

.NET Runtime – Version 3.5 required

The .NET Runtime version 3.5 is standardized installed on the Microsoft operating systems MS-Windows 7 and MS-Windows Server 2008 R2. On MS-Windows 8 / 8.1 as well as MS-Windows Server 2012 already .NET Framework 4.5 is used and delivered. The versions aren’t backward compatible so if a software is compiled for the version 3.5, the .NET Runtime 3.5 has to be installed on the PC.

Almost any of our applications requires the .NET Runtime version 3.5.

Therefor they can be instantly installed on Windows 7 while on Windows 8 / 8.1 the .NET Runtime 3.5 has to be activated and installed first. An automatic activation and installation through the setup isn’t working properly, therefor this step has to be done before the software installation.

Under Windows 8 / 8.1 the .NET Runtime 3.5 be activated as “Windows Feature” directly from the control panel.

Windows 8 - activate Windows Features  activate .NET framework 3.5

Only the eDocPrintPro, -PDF/A, -ZUGFeRD – setups work with both .NET versions – the setup recognizes under which OS the application runs and installs the corresponding version.

ifresco Client for Alfresco DMS/ECM – New version in labor

We work on a new version of the ifresco Client for the Alfresco DMS/ECM OpenSource Software and there are already the first screenshots of the new version.

Some of the coming innovations:

  • The JavaScript programming is only based on ExtJS. Until now also jQuery was used.
  • The new version uses the recent version of the PHP framwork – Symfony
  • For the search and for the document- and treeview individual server side JavaScripts in the Alfresco repository get used.
  • Essentially improved and revised user interface for the administration and configuration.
  • Search and view of document libraries of the Alfresco sites is supported.
  • Direct search for folders to be able to quickly choose the folder in extensive folder structures.
  • Tag Manager – Creating and managing of the Alfresco tags.

Template Manager  Template Manager - Suchprofile  Suche nach Ordnern   Suche nach Sites  Site Dokumente  Tag Verwaltung

iPaper – New version 2.1.37

The iPaper version 2.1.37 is now based on the recent version of our PDF printer driver eDocPrintPro version 3.19.0 and therefor also on the recent GhostScript version 9.10.

Requirements: The requirements for the installation get checked from the setup. For the installation under MS-Windows 8.0 or 8.1 the .NET runtime 3.5 is required.

Download – iPaper 32 & 64bit >>>

As installation requirement the setups checks if the GhostScript version 9.10 already exists. If not it gets automatically downloaded from our FTP server and installed. The GS setup could also be run before.

GhostScript 9.10 setup – see also >>>

Download – GhostScript 9.10 MSI Setup – 32bit (ca. 16MB) >>>
Download – GhostScript 9.10 MSI Setup – 64bit (ca.16MB) >>>
