Category: ifresco

ifresco Client for Alfresco DMS/ECM – New version in labor

We work on a new version of the ifresco Client for the Alfresco DMS/ECM OpenSource Software and there are already the first screenshots of the new version.

Some of the coming innovations:

  • The JavaScript programming is only based on ExtJS. Until now also jQuery was used.
  • The new version uses the recent version of the PHP framwork – Symfony
  • For the search and for the document- and treeview individual server side JavaScripts in the Alfresco repository get used.
  • Essentially improved and revised user interface for the administration and configuration.
  • Search and view of document libraries of the Alfresco sites is supported.
  • Direct search for folders to be able to quickly choose the folder in extensive folder structures.
  • Tag Manager – Creating and managing of the Alfresco tags.

Template Manager  Template Manager - Suchprofile  Suche nach Ordnern   Suche nach Sites  Site Dokumente  Tag Verwaltung

ifresco Profiler – Alfresco standard plugin available

For the ifresco Profiler there is now a free Alfresco standard plug-in available.

The standard plug-in allows the upload of documents through the ifresco Profiler into any Alfresco / ifresco repository. With that only the standard fields and the standard content type for documents of Alfresco is used. So it isn’t required to install an additional content model. The standard plug-in is free available and therefor “out of the box” usable with every Alfresco server. With it the ifresco Profiler functions can be tested together with Alfresco without additional outlay.

ifresco Profiler standard plugin - capturing mask

Supported fields / functions:

  • Filename / title (required) – The name of the document in Alfresco matches the title and not allowed fields get replaced with “_”.
  • Description (optional) – long text description of the document content
  • Alfresco destination-folder (required) – selection of the Alfresco destination folder in which the document should be stored.
  • Tags (optional) – Tags are keywords to classify a document and to directly list all documents marked with it later on. Existing tags can be chosen and new ones can be added.

Title – rules: The standard plug-in installs also the XML-file “titlerules_StandardPlugin.xml”. In this file dynamically createable fields get defined as well as rules to automatically generate the document title. The selection of the rule is done via “Type / Subtype”. A mask with fields – with the types: Text, date, version, year gets generated from it and shown at the profiling.

ifresco Profiler - Title rules via XML

Type-ahead searching for Alfresco folders – Through the search field existing folders can be found fast via the input of one or more search terms. A part string search of the with AND linked terms is done and the search results offered for selection as a list. The search term for the folder has to contain at least 3 characters.

ifresco Profiler - Standard Plugin - type ahead search for folders  ifresco Profiler - standard plugin - search for folders

Tags: Tags are keywords to classify a document and to directly list all documents marked with it later on. Existing tags can be chosen via type ahead search and new ones can be added.

ifresco Profiler - Standard Plugin Tags

Text stamp: At the upload information can be added to the PDF in form of text stamps. The option can be activated and configured through the checkbox “Show stamp settings tab”. The position, color, size and font style of the stamp is configured here. The text can be build from fixed parts or variables.

ifresco Profiler standard plugin - text-stamp  ifresco profiler - standard plugin text stempel

An overview of the general functions of the ifresco Profiler basic version can be found here >>>

Download – Detail description – ifresco Profiler inkl. Standard Plugin >>>
Download – ifresco Profiler basic version >>>
Download – ifresco Profiler Alfresco standard plugin >>>
Download – ifresco Profiler standard plugin sample files >>>

ifresco AutoOCR – Version 1.18 available

With the Version 1.18 of ifresco AutoOCR – the OCR server integration for Alfresco, there are new functions and extensions:

  • implementation of the new paging API for the Jobs-list of the AutoOCR server – page browsing (back/forth), deleting of all jobs, deleting older than x days, sort jobs, select jobs by date.
  • free configurable run-time transformer. File-, as well as Pipe-IO based commandline tools can be used to configure additional transformers.
  • Like the commandline based run-time transformators, also Transformer can be used through JavaScripts.
  • AutoOCR Content Model extension for the OCR status (aspect) gets installed to be able to deposit and request the OCR status of a file as metadata.
  • The optional ifresco Tools AMP – allows the background OCR processing in defined intervals for the primary processing of existing document collections or for the following processing of the newly added documents. The detection of the documents which should be processed, as well as the processing itself happens via JavaScripts, which are executed, on the server, batch oriented and timed in the background. Thereby also additional Alfresco Share – document actions can be configured and executed through JavaScript e.g. to convert the chosen PDF and image documents to searchable PDF(/A)’s through the AutoOCR server and automatically replace the input files with them. With the ifresco Tools there are, through JavaScripts, AutoOCR functions independend from the configured Alfresco transformer available, for the mass-batch- as well as the interactive single processing.

AMP of the version 1.18 are available for the following Alfresco versions: 4.0.1 EE, 4.0.2 EE, 4.0d CE, 4.1.1 EE, 4.1.2 EE, 4.1.3 EE, 4.1.4 EE, 4.2b CE, 4.2c CE
AMP of the ifresco Tools 1.1 for: 4.2c CE, 4.2d CE

ifresco AutoOCR - New Job functions  ifresco AutoOCR - Runmtime transformer  ifresco AutoOCR - Transformer configuration Content Model for ifresco-AutoOCR

Download – ifresco AutoOCR – Runtime Transformer description >>>
Download – ifresco AutoOCR – Transformer through JavaScript description>>>
Download – ifresco AutoOCR – Example JavaScript Transformer >>>

ifresco OpenSource Client for Alfresco available as already installed VM Appliance

To use our ifresco Client for Alfresco with minimal outlay and without the required installation and configuration, there now is a already installed VMWare Appliance.

After the installation only the IP and port of the Alfresco Server has to be inserted an the ifresco Client can already be used together with the Alfresco Server. With an optional update agreement you’ll get access to the constantly actualized versions directly from our SVN repository. With this variant the Alfresco Server is used seperatedly from ifresco. Alternativly we also offer a combined Alfresco Community Edition + ifresco Client Appliance – both Systems already installed, configured and optimized on an Ubuntu 64bit LINUX VM Server.

Pre installed ifresco Client VMWare Appliance

  • Debian LINUX 32bit
  • PHP 5
  • Apache 2.2
  • MySQL 5
  • Installed PHP Extensions – PDO, MB-String, XML, SOAP, Iconv
  • All necessary PHP settings done

Requirements: VMWare Workstation, Player, etc. – min. 2GB RAM, 10GB HD

Optional: SVN Update for users with SW-maintenance

Configurationquery at the first start: Alfresco Server IP, Port. After that, the IP Adresse uner which the ifresco Client is reachable in your browser (optimally: Google Chrome) is shown.

Priceinformations in our web-shop >>>

New Web-Site – – online

We summarized all of our OCR Products on our newly created Website

You can get more information about the following products there:

  • AutoOCR
  • AutoOCR light
  • DropOCR
  • FineOCR
  • ifresco Transformer
  • FileConverter (pro)
  • ifresco Profiler + Plugins

ifresco Profiler – splitting of documents – manual, per page, area-OCR, per barcode

The ifresco Profiler offers easily usable functions to split document stacks in various ways very fast. The following functions are available:

  • Manual split – The site / thumbnail where the document should be splitted gets selected – and by a key combination the document gets splitted at the current page, named automatically and afterwards the new document selected for further split actions.
  • Split by page numbers – With this function the whole document can be splitted by a page number in single documents with the same amount of pages.
  • Split with area OCR – an area gets selected in the preview and via area OCR the text gets recognized – the document gets splitted at this page and the recognized text is used as name.
  • Split by barcode – 1D barcodes get recognized and can be used to split the documents as well as for the file names. 18 different barcodes are supported, orientiation and position on the site doesn’t matter. Sites with barcode can be deleted, filtering by strings, lists and valuation is also supported.

ifresco Profiler – demo plugin – capturing of incoming invoices through Barcode and OCR

There is now a demo plugin for the ifresco Profiler to show, how easy and fast incoming invoices can be captured in the Alfresco ECM/DMS. Incoming invoices captured this way can e.g. in Alfresco get continued processing from IT-Novum through the Alfresco-SAP Integration. We lately presented this solution in an Alfresco-Webinar (next appointment 8.10.2013) together with IT-Novum  and Alfresco.

Functions demo plugin – incoming invoices capturing:

  • Capturing of incoming Invoices through scan, PDF-printerdriver, folders, drag&drop (TIFF, PDF)
  • Manual splitting of document-stacks
  • Barcode recognition with splitting of documents as well as barcode filter-function and deleting of barcode pages.
  • Capturing of metadata with profile mask –  Beleg-ID (“Invoice-ID” / =Barcode), Lieferant (“supplier”), Straße (“street”), PLZ (“postal code”), Ort (“city”), Belegnummer (“invoice number”), Belegdatum(“invoice date”), Rechnungsbetrag (“invoice amount”) – search for supplier number and name through an external XLS table with selection of the linked information – street, postal code, city
  • Area-OCR to adopt values from the shown document into a field.
  • call and capture tags
  • Batch – background processing for PDF-OCR and Alfresco upload
  • AutoOCR integration to store searchable PDF documents into Alfresco
  • Automatic naming or building of the folder structure from the captured metadata – number, company, invoice type, year, invoice number, invoice date

ifresco Demo plugin - Eingangsrechnungserfassung

The demo plugin is to be considered as example and can be adjusted and extended functional as well as from the data model to individual requirements.

Description of the installation and access data for the demo server as well as the process of the working steps >>>

Download – ifresco Profiler base software >>>
Download – ifresco demo plugin >>>
Download – ifresco demo plugin add on >>>
