FineOCR – ABBYY Commandline OCR – neue Version 1.0.2
Neuerungen Version 1.0.2:
- Userinterface Deutsch / Englisch umschaltbar bzw. automatische Auswahl
- Verarbeitung aller Dokumente aus Ordnern und Unterordnern
- /src=[„]<source file>[„] – The source file (or directory) path. Supported formats: PDF, BMP, PCX, DCX, JPG, JPEG2000, TIF, GIF, PNG, DjVu.
- /dst=[„]<destination file path>[„] – The destination file (or directory) path. If this parameter is not present the path and file name of the destination file will be the same like the source file but with PDF extension. Supported destination formats: PDF, DOC/RTF, HTML, XLS, TXT however only the PDF export settings can be configured. Other formats will be exported using the engine’s default settings.
- /configfile=[„]<config file path>[„] – The path of the configuration settings file. If the /src and /dst parameters are not specified the application will display the configuration window. If the configuration file does not exists the default configuration will be displayed.
- /overwrite=true|false – Specifies whether the destination file will be overwritten (default: false).
- /exts=tif,jpg,…. – List of extensions which should be processed in a folder structure.
- /subfolders=true|false – Specifies whether the subfolders should be processed in a folder structure (default: false).
- /log=[„]<log file path>[„]\ – The path of the log file.
- /lang=en|de – The user interface language of the configuration window.
- FineOCR.exe /src=“c:\temp\test1.tif“
- FineOCR.exe /src=“c:\temp\test1.tif“ /dst=“c:\temp\output.pdf“ /configfile=“c:\temp\config.xml“
- FineOCR.exe /configfile=“c:\temp\config.xml„
- FineOCR.exe /src=“c:\temp\inputfolder“ /dst=“c:\temp\outputfolder“ /exts=tif,jpg /subfolders=true /overwrite=false
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FineOCR 1.0.2 – Readme >>>
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